- 1. Potrzebujemy dostępu do wiedzy na temat zmiany klimatu
- (Rozmowy)
- ... dostępu i otwartej nauki – Cable Green (Creative Commons), Melissa Hagemann (Open Society Foundations), Heather Joseph (SPARC), Frances Pinter (Central European University Press) i Peter Suber (Harvard ...
- Utworzone: 28 październik 2022
- 2. We need access to climate change knowledge
- (In English)
- ... events. She is also involved in the Open Climate Campaign. Open Science Platform: How did the Open Climate Campaign start? Iryna Kuchma: A group of open access and open science activists - Cable Green ...
- Utworzone: 21 październik 2022
- 3. We have no time to waste in the transition to Open Access
- (In English)
- ... organisations such as COAR to define our Green Open Access strategy. For learned societies that publish their own journals, we have developed a toolkit for Transformative Model Agreements, delivered by ...
- Utworzone: 17 czerwiec 2020
- 4. ABC Otwartego Dostępu
- (ABC Otwartego Dostępu)
- ... działań Centrum Otwartej Nauki (CeON) ICM UW. Repozytorium Zielona i złota droga otwartego dostępu: https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/content/green-and-gold-oa Serwis informacyjny Sherpa ...
- Utworzone: 01 październik 2018
- 5. We will move beyond the green and gold duality
- (Experts on Open Access)
- Personally, I find the green/gold debate rather limiting, as it imagines a future where the formats and pathways for sharing research map on to what we have had for many decades now. But researchers are ...
- Utworzone: 27 wrzesień 2016
- 6. Archiwangelista otwartego dostępu. Ostatni wywiad?
- (Rozmowy)
- ... Mandate Green Open Access. LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog 4/28. Kiedyś zdefiniował Pan otwarty dostęp jako dostęp stuprocentowy - czyli albo mamy 100% otwartego dostępu, albo nie mamy go wcale, ...
- Utworzone: 16 sierpień 2016
- 7. Repozytoria instytucjonalne a Wikipedia. Propozycja współpracy
- (Opinie)
- ... się powszechną praktyką. W 2014 roku Shane Greenstein i Feng Zhu przeprowadzili porównawczą analizę syntaktyczną haseł Wikipedii i Britanniki. Rezultaty wykazały, że artykuły w Wikipedii, ogólnie rzecz ...
- Utworzone: 13 czerwiec 2016
- 8. Open access will remain a half-revolution
- (Experts on Open Access)
- ... As the meeting was entirely focused on “flipping” subscription journals to OA models it was “by invitation only” and the organisers chose not to invite any prominent green OA advocates, presumably to avoid ...
- Utworzone: 02 marzec 2016
- 9. COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) — international association of repository initiatives
- (Nauka — Otwartość — Świat)
- ... OpenAIRE, SHARE and La Referencia to ensure greater technical interoperability of these networks. At the moment green and gold OA co-exist, they are developed simultaneously. However, this balance is ...
- Utworzone: 19 marzec 2015
- 10. It All Leads to Open Science
- (In English)
- ... the next year, and that it won't be all promises. Minister, can we please talk more of the division you have mentioned? I mean – the division into green OA (repositories) and gold Open Access (open journals). ...
- Utworzone: 17 marzec 2015
- 11. Interviews
- (In English)
- ... come in many sizes and shapes Interview with Ioana Galleron (Université de Bretagne-Sud, COST) We will move beyond the green and gold duality Interview with Jennifer ...
- Utworzone: 12 marzec 2015
- 12. LA Referencia – South American Open Science network
- (Nauka — Otwartość — Świat)
- ... Library On Line), or studies made by SciMAGO in Spain or RICYT in the Latin-American region. Open repositories are an e-infrastructure for Green Open Access. Is Green OA preferred to Gold OA in the member ...
- Utworzone: 11 marzec 2015
- 13. The World Bank Open Access policy
- (Nauka — Otwartość — Świat)
- ... datasets. What OA model do you support? Is it green or gold? Libre or gratis? Do you accept embargo periods or/and exemptions from open mandate? We support green and libre. For externally published ...
- Utworzone: 14 styczeń 2015
- 14. Open Access in Argentina
- (Nauka — Otwartość — Świat)
- ... Argentina’s scientific production. How would you describe your policy in terms of green vs. gold and gratis vs. libre open access? In terms of green/gold, gratis/libre, the local trend is clearly ...
- Utworzone: 19 grudzień 2014
- 15. Google Scholar a repozytoria i biblioteki cyfrowe w Polsce
- (Case studies)
- ... adresem: http://scholarworks.montana.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1/3193/Arlitsch-Obrien-LHT-GS-final-revised_2012-02-18.pdf. Björk B.C., Laakso M., Welling P., Paetau P., (2014) Anatomy of green open ...
- Utworzone: 26 sierpień 2014
- 16. Open access will remain a half-revolution
- (Experts on Open Access)
- Tags: green OA, gold OA, Open Access, open science, Richard Poynder ...
- Utworzone: 02 marzec 2016