
W sekcji Narzędzia przedstawiamy wybrane rozwiązania pozwalające efektywnie wyszukiwać i udostępniać wyniki badań w otwartym dostępie, a także sprawdzone i powszechnie stosowane otwarte oprogramowanie wykorzystywane do budowania repozytoriów.

Wyszukiwanie publikacji

Otwarty dostęp do publikacji

Oprogramowanie dla instytucji






In English

The English section consists of the following parts:


Open Access in Poland

Reports is intended to serve everyone interested in openness both in science and education. On the website we:

  • explain the fundamental concepts and aims of the open science movement;
  • promote general open science ideas;
  • recommend tools that facilitate working in the area;
  • show both well-proven and innovative solutions;
  • present people and institutions actively involved in open science development;
  • observe Polish and foreign projects in the open science domain;
  • answer questions and provide support as far as open models are concerned.

Those who come across open science for the first time will find here an accessible and competent guide discussing basic terms and issues. People more advanced in the field will be provided with in-depth case studies, best practices and news from Poland and the world.

To foreigners following the development of open science in Poland we dedicate the English section of the website where selected content is made accessible. is run by the Open Science Platform – an initiative within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling at the University of Warsaw that was founded to support the open science movement in Poland.




